Ep 65: Dick Cream

Episode 65 September 20, 2024 00:30:08
Ep 65: Dick Cream
Alisa Starr's Thought Of The Day
Ep 65: Dick Cream

Sep 20 2024 | 00:30:08


Hosted By

Alisa Starr

Show Notes

In this episode, Alisa takes you on an imagination journey!!!

Trigger warning: Alisa talks about Ovarian cancer. But other than that it's kind of a silly episode. 



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Episode Transcript

[00:00:01] Alisa star, Alisa star, Alista star, Alista star. She's your friend. [00:00:19] That's my friend. Ivory Ricci Ross singing a song about me that I made up. And it's me, it's me, it's me. These are my thoughts. Thank you for listening or watching. If you are watching this video that I am making of the podcast also please like and subscribe. I'm trying to get more subscribers so I can spend more time creating these for you. [00:00:42] Today, I want to take you on an imagination adventure. [00:00:47] Let's imagine that every month you're dick. You have a dick, and it leaks green pus. It's natural, your dad tells you, but women find it disgusting, and you find it disgusting, too. So you spend at least a week, a month hiding that you're on your green week. You're always checking to make sure you don't leak green dick discharge on anything. But you also have to make sure that you wash the dick cream off after a few hours, or else your body can go into shock and you can die. Death by dick cream is something you don't want to have to make your mom say, even though you'd be dead. And so technically, it wouldn't be as and embarrassing as if you'd stayed alive. So you put the dick cream on, you let it set, then you wash it off. No more than 3 hours later. You hide your dick cream. Everybody you know is always, like, running out of dick cream. So you pass it to each other in secret, like drugs. You put this cream on your dick every day for a full week, once a month, twelve weeks a year. [00:01:54] So for three full months every year for 40 years, you're covering your hands and your dick in the dick cream. And that adds up to ten years of your life. Every day, you've put dick cream on your dick to keep the green pus at bay, right? And all of society has told you, like all the commercials, all the tv shows, all the tiktoks has told you this cream will keep you from grossing out other people with your natural body. And dick cream costs money. Some dick cream is more comfortable than others. [00:02:27] The extra comfy, good smelling dick cream is extra money. And then you find out there's lead and arsenic in the dick cream. [00:02:37] So you may have been ingesting the lead and arsenic through your dick or your hands. Also, this dick cream entering the like on your penis, like putting it on your hands. Not great for you to put lead and arsenic on your hands, but there are microscopic tears in the penis. That's why the. That's why gay men tended to have higher rates of hiv, is because of microscopic tears in the penis, meaning that the penis is a lot more porous than the vagina. [00:03:15] So you're putting this cream on it, and that cream is going straight through those microscopic tears and into your bloodstream. Right? [00:03:27] So this poisonous dick cream has been in your blood, but it didn't pass through your body. It didn't pass through your liver and kidneys first. So any poisons in the dick cream didn't get filtered out. You've been, like, boofing the cream, basically. So your grandfather had dick cream. Every man who's been alive for the last 50 years has used dick cream. Nobody has ever bothered to test the cream to make sure that it was safe. And now your uncle's dick cancer is starting to look like. Like, in your head. It's, like, starting to make sense. And your cousin's dick cysts don't seem like bad luck or anymore, or a genetic problem anymore. [00:04:07] Half the people you meet don't have dicks. So they're like, I wouldn't worry about it. There's not enough poison for it to affect you. But there have been zero tests and studies about this lead and arsenic and other poisons that you've been directly applying to your dick every day for ten years of your life. Right there. In zero tests. They just found out about the lead and arsenic in the cream like, a month ago. The scientific community hasn't even had time to do another study to follow it up and see if all dick creams are poisoned, right? But. But every time you try to bring it up with a non dick haver, they're like, it's probably not a big deal, right? [00:04:53] But you know, a lot of dick owners who have mysterious pain in their dicks, cancer in their dicks, cramping in their dicks, dick tumors, dick cysts, and weird other dick swelling, pain, leakage discharge. [00:05:07] As a kid, like, you were worried about your uncle's dick cancer or your cousin's dick cyst. But until your own dick cysts started to appear, you didn't realize how, like, frustrating it is to go through. Because when they go to a doctor, the doctor tells them, usually, like, oh, that's normal. [00:05:28] Every dick is different. Maybe your dick is just extra tumory. Are you sure you're not just depressed? [00:05:36] If there's something wrong with your dick, it's probably your fault. [00:05:41] Have you had a lot of sex? [00:05:45] You had a baby? So this is how your dick is now. [00:05:49] You didn't have a baby. So this is how your dick is now. [00:05:55] And dick's changed so much over time, we couldn't figure out how to study them. So nobody knows what could be wrong with you, and you're probably just looking for attention. [00:06:05] Recently, medical students have tweeted and talked about how as doctors, they're trained. Like, their training is to dismiss dick owners is to assume that dick owners make up most of their symptoms anyway, so they're just naturally dismissive. Like that's their training. [00:06:26] Once you started reading about that, it led to, like, a low level fury inside of you. You try to ignore that while also trying to take care of your dick. [00:06:37] You hear the dick pain increases by eating too much chocolate or drinking too much coffee. But now you're convinced that doctors don't care if you live or die, so you're not taking their fucking advice. That dick cream scenario has now happened to women twice now in the last hundred years. For the last hundred years, Johnson and Johnson has been selling talcum powder to women as a personal hygiene product to keep babies butts dry. You may remember people like in the olden days using talc or talcum powder to keep like a diaper rash at bay for babies. And they also sold it to women to keep boob sweat, swamp ass, and normal vagina smell and discharge at bay. My grandmother covered her tits in talcum powder, um, every day from, from. I think that. Let's see, I'm gonna say twenties to, to the, to the nineties to the early two thousands. Um, her tits were always talc. Me and I'm. Sweat is not a popular thing to do as a woman. It's just not. So. Yeah, talcum powder would keep you. Keep you dry and, um, you know, like I said, swamp ass, vagina discharge, natural vagina smells, and boob sweat. Johnson and Johnson just admitted. Well, it's been just admitting for about 15 years. Like, the lawsuit's been going on for a while, but it's starting to get to the point where they are paying out plaintiffs. [00:08:17] Their talcum powder has been filled with asbestos and causes uterine cancer. So if you have been using their talcum powder to keep your vagina dry, like, you could win some compensation. And I'll have a link in the description so that you can take a look and see if you are a uterine owner that you're related to or friends with might qualify for that, for that lawsuit, because you should. You deserve compensation. We all deserve compensation. I mean, almost all of us had the talcum powder put on our butts every day for, like, the first two or three years we were alive. But adult women for 100 years used it on our parts every day. So, like I said, if you know somebody who has uterine cancer, just let them know that the Johnson and Johnson lawsuit exists. Don't ask them about their talcum powder use. Just be like, hey, I know you have. You've had some box problems. This might be related. [00:09:29] And so we've been told. Women have been told that we naturally smell bad and need to balance out our smells with products for most of our. Most, you know, for as long as products have existed. That has been one of the. One of the main things that products were for is to make. Make women smell less like women. [00:09:54] So. And additionally, if you use body powder of any kind, make sure there's no talc in it, because it could be poisoning you. It could have leaden arsenic in it, untested leaden arsenic in it. How come? [00:10:12] It's just a weird, white, powdery substance that apparently they just drill straight out of the ground. They're not cleaning it. There's zinc in it. There's a lot of other heavy metals that you really shouldn't have on your skin. [00:10:26] They just started testing tampons, and by testing, I mean one study was released where they tested 40 tampons. [00:10:37] A woman in Berkeley. [00:10:41] That was it. One fucking stuff. The first fucking study since tampons were invented about 60 years ago. [00:10:49] Surprise. [00:10:51] This unregulated product that is necessary for women right now is full of poison. Arsenic, lead. All the stuff that I said was in the dick cream, actually in the tampons, also in the talcum powder. Do you know why they tested the tampons at all? Because a woman wanted to know what was in them. But women's bodies didn't start being studied for science and medically, on their own, as their own different, like, kind of body than men until around 1997. So we had to wait until women were allowed into science, and then we had to wait until those women were respected enough in their field that they were allowed to lead their own studies before someone studied tampons, because they. They've been. We've been studying women's bodies since 1997. Age 20 is the year of our Lord Beyonce 2024. And so what is that, 27 years? That is a person's career. We had to wait until enough women were respected enough scientists before one of them got a grant to study tampons or just was respected enough in her field that she did a tampon study, and nobody made fun of her afterwards. [00:12:10] Now, why are tampons. Because we didn't have them, like I said, until about 60 years ago. [00:12:19] Because, I mean, obviously when we bleed in an obvious way, it makes men uncomfortable and some women. But for the first 1000, 10,000 years of the world and life, women just bled into fabric. It's called free bleeding. Now, um, also keynote keyword in there. Free, free, free, free for free. If you want to exist without worrying that you just bought a box of cancer tampons. It's what we're all going back to. [00:12:48] Um, because the thing about the bloodstream is. Still applies, right? Even though we're using the tampons, we're sticking them in to our vaginas, and they're still passing through that blood barrier, right? So those metals are still bypassing our liver and kidneys in order to get into our bloodstream. [00:13:20] So when the doctors you see for your symptoms tell you that women's bodies are too complicated and they never studied them, they're true. I mean, they're right. They've never studied women's bodies. I don't think it's because we're too complicated. I think it's because the medical establishment has been one, too lazy and two, made for men by men. [00:13:48] So they don't know what the fuck is wrong with you. So they try to make it feel you feel like it's your fault. [00:13:54] All the while we're being told that we'd be more presentable as people if we hid our periods by sticking the cancer sticks in our vaginas. [00:14:03] Now, here's the deal. All the tampons tested contained concentrations of metals. And these metals don't have a safe level. They weren't like, all right, it's 200 times the amount of lead that's safe to put in your body. There's no fucking safe level of lead or arsenic to put in your body. [00:14:24] And these, these, like arsenic, can lead to infertility. Lead can lead to explosive anger. There's a reason why we don't use it in gasoline anymore. Because. [00:14:41] Because it caused violence, basically, as well as lowered iq points. So let's go back to your dick cream problem. What do you do now that you know your dick cream has been poisoned? Do you keep using it even though when you look at the cream, you just see poison now? Do you let your dick leak out green pus once a month, even though you and other people think that's gross? Do you fucking ignore all of it? All the news, everything you know, it's your fucking dick. And it's still green and pussy seven days a month. How do you handle that now? [00:15:23] So I've always been a free bleeder. If I like it, I bleed on it. I bleed on my bed, I bleed on my couch. I believe on my cats. I bleed on my friend's couch, my clothes, my friends, I mean. And I used to think of tampons as good in an emergency, tucking them into random drawers and backpacks. But now I can't. I see one and I just throw it away. It just looks like a cancer stick and not a fun one, like fucking cigarette. At least cigarettes make you friends, give you a place to hang out, which is outside with the other cool kids who are also smoking cigarettes. [00:15:59] I'm usually a coffee pot kind of a day girl. I don't usually care about the taste. I just want the fucking caffeine. But by the time I'm awake enough, I got a piece of fucking bad. It sidetracks me. And then the whole cycle makes me cranky and keeps sidetracking me. Like, it's hard for me to finish my goals, like accomplish things. [00:16:23] But magic mind makes these little shots of yummy green energy. One shot will keep your brain going for like 8 hours. It's matcha. [00:16:35] So it's still caffeine, but it's like better for you than coffee usually. I hate the taste of tea. Tea tastes like to me, but this just tastes like a smoothie. [00:16:50] It's awesome. You only need one shot versus several cups of coffee. And I do not miss having to run to the bathroom every freaking half hour. Half hour. It's also got ashwagandha. It's turmeric, lion's mane, and cordyceps mushrooms. They're not like the fun kind of mushrooms. They kind of are, but they reduce swelling instead of making you trip out. And inflammation is the source of most pain. So I know that we're headed for the cold weather. The fact is that if you've got inflammation, it doesn't matter whether the weather is cold or hot. [00:17:28] Your shit will swell up and you will have to tend to it. And all of these things are anti inflammatories. Um, which is a good way of reminding you too that not only is inflammation the source of most pain, but also when you're in less pain, your brain works better. Cause these are usually marketed to like to. To help your brain work more consistently, faster, longer. Um, magic mind, put this tiny little, tiny. Sorry, but I used to have the little bottle with me. This tiny little shot of energy together and even made it really tasty. I have a ton of food allergies, but that didn't matter because magic minds got no sugar, is nut free, vegan keto and paleo friendly, and gluten free, dairy free. It includes vitamins c, b, D and they're offering you a discount. [00:18:25] My listeners. It's fucking off the hook. Go to magicmind.com and get 48% of your first subscription off or 20% off a one time purchase. That's magic mind magic.com s t a r r use the discount code Star 20 to get the 48% off your first subscription order or 20% off your first order. Although I'd want the subscription because there are some really amazing long term effects if you take it over and over and over and over. [00:19:10] I'm they asked to sponsor this episode. I'm really glad they did. It feels really good to have a group of people who believe in me and who want to hear more of my voice, especially, like I said, because I've got pain stuff going on and so I can't always walk around and show my snarky cards off to strangers at bars. Sometimes I just want to sit and talk to people on the Internet. So thank you, magic mind, for making that possible. And please check their shit out. It really keeps me going. And again, if you need more brain power or caffeine that doesn't cause inflammation, it go to magic mind magicmind.com s t a r r and use the discount code star 20 to get sta or 20 to get that 20% off the one time purchase of 48% off a subscription. [00:20:07] So, back to our imagination adventure. So, in conclusion, if you're interested in testing tampons and doing more long term studies, we'd all be fucking grateful to you. [00:20:20] And women are fucking furious. Do not fuck with us right now. We just found out about this, and there's a low level of rage running through every single one of us. This society insisted we put multiple poisons in our vagina for hundreds of years, for at least 100 years. And then they told us we were making it up when that poison made us, our mothers, our sisters, our aunts, our grandmother, sick. [00:20:45] And we are now going to bleed on a lot of your shit. And you're going to be nice about it because you don't want us to get sick and die. I and you wouldn't ask us to put poison in our body so you can be more comfortable for the vagina owners who want alternatives to tampons. There are a few first, you have a ton of fabric in your house. Tear up old t shirts, dresses, sheets, anything else too old or ugly to wear and just stuff it into your pants. There's also the sea sponge. This is something you can order online and it'll soak up blood. We used to use this in third wave feminism in the nineties. It's kind of a hippie thing to do. [00:21:29] Finally, there's also the diva cup. Is it better than a tampon? [00:21:33] Maybe. Nobody knows. It's not definitely full of poison. That is what we can say about it. [00:21:41] Thanks for listening to me explain why this is so upsetting. I don't know if you've felt this vaginal rage I've been explaining, but it's there. And just so you know, I do know that the vagina leads to the uterus. They're. They're located in the same place, but they are not the same thing. I've just been saying vagina for ease of use. [00:21:59] I also know that women are not the only people who own uteruses and vaginas. [00:22:06] I hope I have honored that throughout today's episode. [00:22:12] I'm not sure, but I want you to know, if you are a non female person who owns a vagina or uteruse, you're included in these rants. [00:22:24] The first time I tried to talk about this, it was an acquaintance, like a bar acquaintance, and he nodded because he'd heard about the study. I wouldn't worry about it, he said, and I left so hard I scared him a little bit. I'm sure you wouldn't worry about it. I cackled angrily. You don't have a vagina? [00:22:46] No. Really? There aren't high enough levels to hurt you. He protested. I was surprised. Oh, are you a doctor? [00:22:52] He shifted, seeming unsure for the first time in the conversation. Uh, no. I just pay attention to science. [00:23:04] I nodded again, deciding right then and there that we weren't acquaintances anymore and if I could, I would never talk to him again because he is a gaslighting fucking coward. There's literally no science on this. That was just his way of gaslighting my concern, making me feel stupid for giving a shit about my health, and he didn't want to hear about it anymore. And acting like he knew more about the subject than me was his go to way of getting out of the conversation instead of acting like a normal, non cowardly person and saying, oh, that sounds scary, or I'm sorry you've been shoving poison inside of you for years. [00:23:41] Um, he. He chose to be like it's not a real problem. [00:23:47] It's probably fine. I fucking hate. It's probably fine. I fucking hate that shit. [00:23:53] Um, it just. Other people, other non vagina owners I've tried to start this conversation with were like, yeah, we also sold you lysol and told it to sprain your vagina. It sucks. I know. Whatever. Here's the deal. None of those tampon brands have been pulled from the shelves. There's no national recall. They're still for sale. So is the fucking talcum powder, which you can find on eBay. And we're still expected to use tampons or something. Tampon like, in order to hide our periods from 50% of the population. There's no national outcry about further studies. There's just one fucking study. We didn't even drill down into all, like, 500 brands of tamponse. There were 40 in the study. All of them were bad, even the ones that were so called natural. But, like, one study of 40 tampons, the scientific community hasn't had any time to do a second study to do a bigger study, to do further studies. There's no science saying it's fine, much less a study saying what the long term effects of soaking up that much arsenic and lead could be. [00:25:06] Right. [00:25:08] We've just discovered that we've been sold poison and told to put it inside us again, and we're just expected to keep doing it. And every time we talk about it, we get an eye roll. There's no national outcry, even for further studies. There's no ob Gyn doctor saying, oh, good. Now we can examine whether this is connected to the endometriosis, cancer, cysts, tumors, and other horrible vagina problems, diseases, infertility, or, like, I mean, lead. An arsenic known to cause Alzheimer's. Like I said before, violence, infertility. Right. Just knowing those. Those poisons already fuck the body up and trying to figure out if there's a correlation between women having higher experiences with those. [00:26:06] No, OBgyn has been like, oh, cool, now we can find out what the real problem is. No, no, there's no. [00:26:14] We're just supposed to keep fucking going. Just keep doing the stupid thing you're doing that is probably going to kill you or at least make your life very painful. [00:26:24] So if you do not own a vagina uterus, the least you can do is fucking listen and be sympathetic to our very normal fear and rage about finding out this information. And pretty much every woman or uterus owner that you know knows about this. [00:26:42] Remember how upsetting it was when I said the word dick cysts. Yeah. I want you to carry that level of terror and anger and keep it as a way to be empathetic the next time a woman tries to explain her terror and anger about this situation to you. [00:27:07] Because a lot of us are getting those dick cysts monthly and in our little. In our situation, and they fucking hurt. [00:27:16] Like, a lot of the endometriosis cancer tumors that. That are also probably caused by. I mean, definitely caused by Johnson and Johnson, but probably caused by tampons as well. So we deserve your kindness and your sympathy. And I would really like it if I got it when I'm looking to randomly talk about this to any stranger on the street. [00:27:57] As you know, today's thoughts of the day, like other thoughts of the day, has been brought to you by snarky cards. In addition to magic mind, snarky cards are cards that I make. They're brutally honest greeting cards. And I just got this new shipment. These are not cards exactly. Of keychains of me holding my titties. [00:28:25] They are $15. They are three and a half inches long. [00:28:34] So the size of my actual cleavage. Right. [00:28:38] And it's a keychain. It's got a little star on it, which I really like because my name's star. And so it's fitting. You can also get this double whammy. This is a two and a half incher of me holding my tits and then a smaller me holding my tits. One and a half inch of me. That's a still. If you. If you add it up, it's. It's four inches of me, which is. [00:29:05] It's nice to have that cleavage, um, right there, you know, for measurements. Anyway, you can get both of [email protected]. please like and subscribe if you enjoyed this video or this podcast. I really enjoyed saying all this shit to you. Thank you for listening to my thoughts, you guys. [00:29:26] Elisa star Elisa star love and mouth. Breathtaking. So bizarre. Elise. A star, a Lisa star sing it to the laugh at your stars a Lisa star a Lisa star tells you what's up wherever you are Elisa star she is a booby blabber. Madden.

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