Latest Episodes

Adopt A Kid
People say some weird shit to me after they read my cards. And the weird shit they say to me changes, from year to...

Zombie Vs Vaginas
Alisa pokes holes in the Zombie Apocalypse.Become a supporter of this podcast:

Future Porn: Nuclear War
Alisa presents the pros and cons of being nuclear bombed.Become a supporter of this podcast:

When I Was Born
We were all babies. And all babies are gross. This is about that.Become a supporter of this podcast:

Corey booker and Kentaji
Why is Corey Booker the only one to back up KBJ?Alienating a supereme court justice also seems like a dumbass move for the Democratic...

Abortion!!! Uh-uh-uh Abortion!!!
Abortions have always been hard to get. But now we're gonna have to go back to throwing ourselves down the stairs. Wire hangers don't...