Latest Episodes

Alisa Starr: Stand Up At Jai-Thai 3/10/20
Alisa takes her act to the comedy club. And by comedy club I mean the Tuesday night open mic night at Jai Thai.This set...

Alisa Starr: Too Vulgar For The Castro
A San Francisco Bookstore sends back their snarky cards. And it causes Alisa to question whether or not her art is worth anything.Become a...

E13 - How To Sell Your Art Update! Plus ADHD Stuff
Alisa updates you on her progress making and selling her art in Seattle.Become a supporter of this podcast:

Cancer's Up When They Hear Bad News
Alisa is not always feeling cheerful and optimistic. This is one of those days.Become a supporter of this podcast:

Art Report: What I Did Instead Of Sell Art At The Bar
Sometimes interrupting strangers and making them look at my art is just terrifying. And I find reasons to stay home, even when I need...

E10 Alisa Obsesses About ADHD
Alisa has ADHD. And she is kinda freaking out about it. Alisa talk about her new diagnosis.Become a supporter of this podcast: